Teaching: Classes, cake, and more classes!

This first official week of summer has been so busy! My son's out of school, so summer camp has begun, I have had great friends visiting from out of town, it was my birthday (I love yummy birthday treats!), I took a class, and I taught a class. Whew! Just typing that makes me tired. So, with all that going on, I haven't had much of a chance get any real sewing done...but the ladies in my latest Improvisational Basketweave class did!

Improvisational Basketweave Class at New Pieces Quilt Shop
I never get tired of watching people create.  It's wonderful to see the different color and fabric combinations that people bring to class.  This was a great group, and we had such a great time!  If you'd like to see the pictures in detail, click on over to my Flickr set!


  1. Seeing all these photos from classes you've taught definitely makes me wish I lived in the Bay Area!

  2. AnonymousJune 27, 2011

    Your student's work looks amazing!

  3. Happy belated birthday! Looks like a fantastic class! When is your monthly group meeting again, first tuesday is it? I might just make it!

  4. OOOh, I SO wish I could take one of your classes. Might I suggest a New England tour? :)

  5. I do travel! You never know where my class might show up.

  6. These are beautiful quilts to hang on the wall. I like every piece in here.

  7. Woah! your class looks like fun... how about a private resto workshop someday....

