I ♥ Virginia!

I may live in Northern California, but I'm actually a Virginia girl. When the cold, Bay Area summers start to get to me (seriously, I have to heat my house to get the temperature above 65 degrees), I jump on a plane and visit hot, humid Virginia. Here's why I love it!

View of the Blue Ridge Mountains from the Hartland Orchard in Markham, Virginia

Fresh tomatoes
Fresh tomatoes from my sister's garden.
Fresh blue crabs
Blue crabs, caught and cooked by my uncle. Yum
I picked a peck of peaches!
Fresh peaches, picked by my sister and me.
And so many great antique stores, flea markets, and thrift stores.  But, more on that later!


  1. i'm a bit partial to virginia myself. i'm glad you're having a good time!

  2. Makes me want to get on a plane and come hang with you right now! Those peaches....yuuummmm.
    Hope you're having fun :)

  3. Oh SO envious now, I'm sure those peaches are divine! I was LITERALLY checking trulia listings in Alexandria 30 minutes ago wishfully thinking of a move there! No lie! Ugh, hate the fog! And yes, my heater is running right now and my feet are freezing. Have a great time, you're not missing anything here!

