Minimalism and Modern Patchwork Quilting

I would never describe myself as a minimalist.  If anything, I'm a boarder-line hoarder with very Victorian ideas about how a space should be filled.  But, I do often make quilts with a simple, or minimalist color palette.  One of these quilts, the X Quilt, just made it's publishing debut in Modern Patchwork Spring 2015!

The author of the article, Cinzia Allocca, saw the quilt and included it in her article, "Minimalism in Modern Quilt Design."  What an honor!  Thank you!

Cinzia Alloca's article on minimalist quilts in Modern Patchwork magazine.

The article is a great reference to help quilters distill their own vision and develop minimalist quilts with personal meaning.  Check it out while it's till on a magazine rack near you!  On that note, did you realize that many great quilting and craft magazines are often available for free at your local library as downloadable e-books?  Many craft books are as well!  I just downloaded a book on making furoshiki fabric gift wraps which has gotten me off on quite a tangent!
