Once upon a time, I met a lovely girl from Baton Rouge, LA named Ansley. We became friends when we were both in school in a tiny university in N. Ireland. At the time, the most creative things we did were based on trying to recreate American foods with UK groceries. (Can you believe that at the time, they didn't have chocolate chips there??) Fast forward a few years. I have a kid, she has a kid. I started sewing, and she started painting. When my son was born, she made a painting for him. When her daughter was born, I sent a
quilt. When she requested one of my play-mats, I suggested she check out
Spoonflower, and I would make a play-mat for her based on her own paintings.
Ansley's Playmat |
Genius! What a special blanket for her little girl!
I'm particularly fond of the girl with the red ponytails print (no surprise there!).